I love designing random things in Photoshop during my free time. This was designed back in 2011. I was experimenting Photoshop tools via a tutorial.

This is a more recent design I did for my Facebook cover. Knowing some advanced Photoshop skills can really come in handy sometimes!

I also love photography. Sometimes, this hobby makes you observe your surroundings better. These photos were taken via my cell phone.

These photos were also taken via my cell phone. It's amazing how the picture quality from a cell phone camera be able to compete with a DSLR.

I LOVE travelling and going for an adventure! Come on, how long can you be stuck between the four walls right? This picture was taken at Long Semadoh, Lawas, Sarawak, Malaysia. Off-road (timber route) drive to a village at Long Semadoh.

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Proton vs Mitsubishi

When Proton Inspira was announced, many people joked about how Proton was copying Mitsubishi's design. In fact, I've come across many bloggers who made fun of the engineers working for Proton. The boys from my university was poking fun at how cheap Proton is, to "carbon copy an awesome car like Lancer". I was surprised that many Malaysian's are not aware of the engineering behind Proton.

What many people don't know is, most of Proton cars are Mitsubishi old models. They were re-badged and renamed into a more local tune. Proton Gen-2 was the first 'Proton's car', (excluding Proton Waja), including its engine (yes, i know right!). Proton and Mitsubishi were partners for many years. The proof? Well, here are the pictures...

Proton Saga
Mitsubishi Lancer Fiore/Mirage (4th Gen)

Proton Wira
Mitsubishi Lancer (6th Gen)

Proton Perdana
Mitsubishi Eterna (7th Gen)

Proton Juara
Mitsubishi Town Box

Besides these models, Proton Tiara was also re-badged, but its not by Mitsubishi. Proton Tiara has the same design as Citroen AX. It seems that Proton Savvy is an 'upgrade' to Proton Tiara. Interestingly, Proton Savvy looks almost like the Mitsubishi's Concept Global Small design. Not only Proton, even Perodua models was re-badged. I won't go to the details of Perodua now, since we're on the topic of Proton and Mitsubishi.

Interesting isn't it? For the past 25 years (26 this year), we Malaysians are driving old Mitsubishi models in the name of national car. Nevertheless, Proton are coming up with their own designs lately. Perhaps their partnership with Lotus could make some significant changes soon, besides their Proton MSX and Satria Neo R3.

By the way, what do you guys think about the Pahlawan Series?

Thursday, April 28, 2011

harer nama harer nama harer nama eva kevalam, kalau nasty eva nasty eva nasty eva gatir anyatha

“It’s not the body that people love, but the soul. The body is a temporary vehicle. Without the soul, the body is like a car without a driver. I see through my eyes, smell through my nose, taste through my tongue, hear through my ears, feel through my skin, think through my brain, and love through my heart. But who am I? Who is the witness, enjoyer and sufferer that activates my body?”
~His Holiness Radhanath Swami in The Journey Home book~

Cool quote isn't it? I believe this quote strongly suggests the presence of soul in one's body, and the significance of it.

When I was at campus, I could hardly go to any family gatherings. There's always something during these gatherings. I've missed quite a few important ones. I thought the one month semester break given was good enough to attend to any of my family gatherings. Unfortunately, during this break, I had to attend to a funeral and other prayers of the like. Well, it is family gathering nevertheless, but not at all like how I was anticipating.

You see, the death of this relative of mine was very unexpected (she had a stroke). We met her two weeks before, and she was speaking like any other normal person. The news came as a shock to us all. The same thing happened when we heard the news of Uttama prabhu passing away.

Attending the funeral of this relative of mine reminded me of the famous quote "You're not this body, you're the soul.". Yes indeed! Many people out there know this fact, but don't behave like they do (this includes me... well, to  certain extent :-P). There's a story from the Pandavas I wanna relate here. When Yaksha asked Yudhistira about the most wonderful thing, Maharaj Yudhistira replied that, "Eventhough everyday one sees living entities dying, he still acts as if he will live forever.". I couldn't agree more.

This paragraph took me a while to type. I keep typing examples, and at a certain point, it looked like I was going off topic already. I was relating body conscious activities like grooming for a long time, making money as the center of the universe and some other similar ones. I think I'll just skip the examples. You get what i mean right?

People are doing so much, just to maintain their stay on Earth. This includes physical working, mental and emotional drama. All for what? When asked about the purpose of their life, the answer would be simple; "I dunno, make money, and enjoy? And then when die means die lar". What most people don't realise is what happens right before, during and after death; how the soul passes on; and what happens to you after that. People who do, would start fearing death. The case is not the same for most of the devotees that I know. Well, that's because they're crystal clear of their goal of life, and the process of achieving it.

So guys, to sum it up, for those of you who are trying your best to ignore the call for some boundary and rules in your life, I would like to say that its time to stop being a coward by ignoring and running away from the inevitable.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

One Hour's Sleep Before Midnight Is Worth Two After

I recently finished my finals. I guess it goes without saying that I had to burn the midnight oil one too many times. Well, I do hope the effort is worth it!

During this studying process, many of my friends came up with different theories about how we can do 'quality studying' by 'sleeping smartly'. Funny how we can stay awake till late night and don't need these tips during non-exam seasons. Anyways, I wanna share what they said, and what I found out from the internet.

One of my friend heard from his girlfriend (she's doing MBBS) that sleeping from 11pm to 3am is the best. According to her, even though elementary school calculation says its 4 hours of sleep, its actually equals to about 8 hours of sleep. He was explaining about the 'sleep calculation'. I forgot the details of the calculation, but it was something like; 1 hour of sleep after 11pm is equal to 2 hours of sleep, and the calculation anytime after 3am is back to normal maths. Like i said, i'm a little foggy on the details, so excuse the mistakes. I'll get back to my friend, and update the details soon. He also said that his girlfriend is following that sleep pattern, and she's not feeling fatigue during the day. I thought "Hey, its a great deal! Double amount of sleep for half the time. Why not test it. I don't have anything to lose!". We decided to test the theory on that very night.

So I went to sleep at 10.45pm, just to make sure I'm already asleep by 11pm. Both of us woke up at 3.30am. At first, it was hell trying to open my eyes, and get myself out of my cozy comforter. To add fuel to the fire, it was really cold as it rained few hours ago. I somehow got myself out of the bed. For the first 2 hours, studying went smoothly. After that, I was too sleepy to study further, so I slept for another 1 hour (from 6-7am). I tried again the next day, and the same thing happened (FYI, that includes the rain). I could not continue doing this everyday as my group study friends normally stay up till 2am to study. I notice one thing though. Studying early morning after some rest feels really GOOOD! Well, after all, there's a solid reason why devotees wake up early in morning to chant! I think the extra concentration was because all my friends are already asleep, and there's no notifications in Facebook... haha

The next day, I asked a fellow devotee,who's also a lecturer in my university, about the sleep calculation thingy. He mentioned that its true, and the scriptures did mentioned about it. Then he looked at me and said, "That's why we're supposed to sleep early". He also explained to me about the calculation, which, again, i forgot the details. Looks like i have to update this post with significant details soon.

Ever heard the phrase "one hour's sleep before midnight is worth two after"? Looks like there's some truth in it after all, not just something your parents say to make you go sleep early! I googled to find out details about sleep, and how we can make most of it.

After doing some fair amount of research, i noticed that the world don't need another how-to-sleep-better article. Many people done extensive research about this matter. There are many solutions given for optimum sleep too. Among all these, i really like this article. Happy reading!