Saturday, April 2, 2011


One Hour's Sleep Before Midnight Is Worth Two After

I recently finished my finals. I guess it goes without saying that I had to burn the midnight oil one too many times. Well, I do hope the effort is worth it!

During this studying process, many of my friends came up with different theories about how we can do 'quality studying' by 'sleeping smartly'. Funny how we can stay awake till late night and don't need these tips during non-exam seasons. Anyways, I wanna share what they said, and what I found out from the internet.

One of my friend heard from his girlfriend (she's doing MBBS) that sleeping from 11pm to 3am is the best. According to her, even though elementary school calculation says its 4 hours of sleep, its actually equals to about 8 hours of sleep. He was explaining about the 'sleep calculation'. I forgot the details of the calculation, but it was something like; 1 hour of sleep after 11pm is equal to 2 hours of sleep, and the calculation anytime after 3am is back to normal maths. Like i said, i'm a little foggy on the details, so excuse the mistakes. I'll get back to my friend, and update the details soon. He also said that his girlfriend is following that sleep pattern, and she's not feeling fatigue during the day. I thought "Hey, its a great deal! Double amount of sleep for half the time. Why not test it. I don't have anything to lose!". We decided to test the theory on that very night.

So I went to sleep at 10.45pm, just to make sure I'm already asleep by 11pm. Both of us woke up at 3.30am. At first, it was hell trying to open my eyes, and get myself out of my cozy comforter. To add fuel to the fire, it was really cold as it rained few hours ago. I somehow got myself out of the bed. For the first 2 hours, studying went smoothly. After that, I was too sleepy to study further, so I slept for another 1 hour (from 6-7am). I tried again the next day, and the same thing happened (FYI, that includes the rain). I could not continue doing this everyday as my group study friends normally stay up till 2am to study. I notice one thing though. Studying early morning after some rest feels really GOOOD! Well, after all, there's a solid reason why devotees wake up early in morning to chant! I think the extra concentration was because all my friends are already asleep, and there's no notifications in Facebook... haha

The next day, I asked a fellow devotee,who's also a lecturer in my university, about the sleep calculation thingy. He mentioned that its true, and the scriptures did mentioned about it. Then he looked at me and said, "That's why we're supposed to sleep early". He also explained to me about the calculation, which, again, i forgot the details. Looks like i have to update this post with significant details soon.

Ever heard the phrase "one hour's sleep before midnight is worth two after"? Looks like there's some truth in it after all, not just something your parents say to make you go sleep early! I googled to find out details about sleep, and how we can make most of it.

After doing some fair amount of research, i noticed that the world don't need another how-to-sleep-better article. Many people done extensive research about this matter. There are many solutions given for optimum sleep too. Among all these, i really like this article. Happy reading!


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