Sunday, May 15, 2011


Narasimha Caturdasi

Its Narasimha Caturdasi tomorrow, so I thought of sharing something about Lord Narasimha. The lila of Lord Narasimha is well known, so I'll not go into that now. For those who want to know the brief lila, here's the link. I want to share the size of Lord Narasimha by comparison (just for you to get the idea).

In the Ramayana, Ravana went to Bali Maharaj to look for help. Bali Maharaj, knowing the position of Lord Ram, declined to help, and tried to convince Ravana to give up. Ravana of course, didn't listen to Bali Maharaj's advice. In order to show Ravana that he doesn't have a chance, Bali Maharaj invited him to a huge mountain. This mountain was made of boulders of diamonds. Bali Maharaj then said to Ravana that he will give the mountain to Ravana only if he can lift it first. Ravana tried to lift the boulder, but to no avail. Bali Maharaj then revealed to Ravana that the mountain is the earing of Hiranyakasipu, decorated with diamonds.

During the fight between Hiranyakasipu and Lord Narasimha, the earing fell down to Sutala Loka. Now, can you get the general idea of the size between Ravana and Hiranyakasipu? Alright, now fancy this, 'just as one can easily crush a wasp between one's fingernails, so in the same way the body of the wasp-like demon, Hiranyakasipu has been ripped apart' by Lord Narasimha. Get the idea yet?

Lord Narasimha appeared in that particular form, just so that it doesn't contradict with Lord Brahma's boon to Hiranyakasipu. More about this boon can be read from the link stated above.

Fun Facts:
Ravana was Hiranyakasipu in his past birth (This is based on Jaya and Vijaya curse).
Bali Maharaj is Hiranyakasipu great grandson (Prahlad Maharaj's grandson).
Bali Maharaj is the king of Sutala Loka


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