I love designing random things in Photoshop during my free time. This was designed back in 2011. I was experimenting Photoshop tools via a tutorial.

This is a more recent design I did for my Facebook cover. Knowing some advanced Photoshop skills can really come in handy sometimes!

I also love photography. Sometimes, this hobby makes you observe your surroundings better. These photos were taken via my cell phone.

These photos were also taken via my cell phone. It's amazing how the picture quality from a cell phone camera be able to compete with a DSLR.

I LOVE travelling and going for an adventure! Come on, how long can you be stuck between the four walls right? This picture was taken at Long Semadoh, Lawas, Sarawak, Malaysia. Off-road (timber route) drive to a village at Long Semadoh.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Oh, It's Just Malaysia

There's been so much of discussion lately about the unity of fellow Malaysians. Well, with all the political drama going on, why wouldn't people question our unity. What people fail to notice is the lighter side of our unity.

If you're a Malaysian, you'll know that most Malaysians sees eye to eye on many things. For starters, most of us think that we are above average drivers. Try driving on the highway, and you'll find someone challenging your ego soon enough. Among many 'threats' I find that continuous flickering of the headlight takes the cake.

What about being punctual? Personally, I've came across many instances where parties or events was held up because of  reasons like late arrival of VIP, technical problems or (my personal favorite) waiting for more crowd. Let me share something happened in high school once. All us prefects are supposed to gather up after recess. When I went to the gathering point after recess, only about three people were there. We waited for about another 30 minutes when other prefects finally start showing up. One of my friend whispered to me "Here comes the Malaysians." I know, prefects are supposed to be punctual, but let's just leave out that bit for now shall we. I think it's an open secret that whenever you organise something, you always announce the starting time half an hour to one hour earlier than the actual starting time. You know, just in case there are emergencies. You can't complain though. I've been organising some events myself, and you will never know when something happens during the last minute.

While we are on the topic of Malaysians, let me share something I got from the internet. This article is about why terrorists could never succeed in attacking Malaysia.

1. Terrorist decides to blow up KLCC. He drives to KLCC with the intention of planting the bomb there, gets stuck in a 2-hour jam, and blows himself up in frustration. PLAN FAIL.

2. Terrorist decides to bomb Ipoh as a practice session before targeting KL. He drives for the first time on the highway to Ipoh trusting the signboards to get him there, and ends up in Lumut. Terrorist drowns himself in the sea in frustration. PLAN FAIL.

3. Terrorist decides to blow up Puduraya. While walking to his destination, the bag in which he keeps his bombs gets snatched by snatch thieves on a motorcycle. He pulls on his bag’s strap desperately and dies after being dragged 100m on the road. PLAN FAIL.

4. Terrorist decides to blow up Port Klang. He succeeds!! But the next day The Star, NST, Berita Harian and Utusan publish an article on page 10 headlined “Boy playing with fireworks injured in minor explosion.” PLAN FAIL.

5. Terrorist decides to bomb Johor Bahru. He rents a house as headquarters and the night before the dastardly deed, three men with parangs break into his house, robs him and kills him. PLAN FAIL.

6. Terrorist decides to bomb Kedah to paralyze the rice bowl of Malaysia. That night, while secretly setting up the bomb during a heavy thunderstorm (so that no one sees him), Timah Tasoh Dam hits danger level, authorities open the dam gates and he is swept away in the floods. PLAN FAIL.

7. Terrorist decides to blow up Bukit Bintang. Upon arrival at destination, he is accosted by a pimp and spends the night in the arms of a beautiful woman. At dawn, authorities raid the place and arrest him. PLAN FAIL.

8. Terrorist decides to blow up the MACC building as he is a strong advocate of corruption. He enters the building, but before he manages to plant his bomb, he is found dead after a fall from the 14th floor window. PLAN FAIL.

9. Terrorist decides to blow up Serdang Hospital. He enters the hospital lobby, hears a loud crashing sound and looks up to see the ceiling collapsing on him. He dies. PLAN FAIL.

10. Terrorist decides to blow up Genting Highlands. On the way up the mountain, a speeding bus driven by a 18-year-old boy without a driving licence crashes into his car and kills him instantly. PLAN FAIL.


This was meant to be a joke and not to offend anybody. I laughed throughout the list and thought that it would be a waste if not shared. The awesome author of this list is Shirley Mohan. I asked her permission personally before posting it here. Hope you guys had a good laugh like I did!